Saturday, May 28, 2011

What am I thinking.....

Summer is peeking it's nose around the corner and although the weather does not feel like summer the boys will be out of school in less then a week. We have big plans for the summer! First, we will enjoy June with one art class that we can bike to followed by swimming at our neighborhood pool. When I was scouting art classes I really tried to choose something that was close to home. I usually make a drive to the north side of town but I'm not up for all that driving, gas chugging anymore. We have a great neighborhood filled with an Community Art Center, a library, coffee shops, outdoor fruit and veggie stand, swimming pool and several parks that are walking distance. We have so many great friends that live in this neighborhood particularly for Jett! I am EMBRACING it! June will also bring a trip to Seattle and braces for my oldest. Indy is anticipating his braces like one waits for Christmas morning! We have at least one camp trip on the books and last but not least Jett graduates from Kindergarten. The days are long but the years are short aren't they?

In July we are taking our first family rafting trip minus the peanut Araya we are super excited! We have a National bike race in Salt Lake and more camping on the books. We have hopes for swimming, picnics and playdates in July!

August will be all about bike racing we have the state championship and the biggest National of the year in  Reno! The summer will fly by like it always does and soon will be talking about fall. Just writing about our summer excites me......Indy said last night something along the lines of "I love my life, I have a really good life!" Well, it doesn't get my better then that! I hope he feels that way forever! I love our life too! 

 I am enjoying the spring we are having wet, chilly and sunny. Mother Nature cannot seem to make up her mind her mood changing every hour. My yard is beautiful in the spring the water barrel is overflowing, the green shoots are flourishing all the leaves have joined us again it is breathtaking and peaceful! Jasun has been finishing the tree house as well as working on many projects that have been neglected! I have worked on our bird sanctuary we have many different kinds of houses and feeders along with a bird bath and fountain. We have so many birds it's insane at least two families have nested and I watch the mom and dad working hard everyday. Jett is the inspiration for the birds he is CRAZY about them! He is studying birds and will amaze you with his knowledge. On our last camp trip he pointed out to me a woodpecker in the tree...."mom that is a Downy Woodpecker I can tell by the size and color! WOW, that kid amazes me sometimes!

Pics to come, adventures to is always whizzing by.....................

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

and then she found time......

 I write because I actually have a few minutes before settling into the whole dinner routine. Homework is done for both boys and dinner is waiting in the oven on warm thanks to the dinner coop I started with a few friends. We just started the coop this week and so far it has been fantastic....bean and cheese enchiladas, lentil dahl and tonight it is white sauce veggie your mouth watering yet? We've had enough left overs for lunches all week and we have enough with tonight's to cover another day's dinner with leftovers. So, more time for a busy momma is what I was after, more time with the kids, more time to focus and be far so good!
Whats new in our life?

  •  Araya is walking and talking. She turns 1 this week it is unbelievable!!
  •  Jett is diggin school and lovin soccer big time!
  •  Indy has been wrapped up with basketball and the championship tournament that he went to which was such a great experience.
  • Both boys have raced two more BMX nationals this year and have had tons of fun doing it.
  • I am ready for spring BIG TIME. I am itching to be outside playing in the dirt.
  • Jasun and I both have been devouring books over the winter which has been nice the Hunger Games Series was really an unexpected treat to read.
Here are a few recent pictures to cap off the post.....

Saturday, December 4, 2010

I've Been Everywhere

and where has the time gone.......Two big races one in Northern Idaho one in Reno, the first day of school, hiking, biking and two birthday parties. Halloween came and went and here we are almost at Christmas.....I've been everywhere man I've been everywhere.....Enjoy!